Thursday 31 October 2013

Example of Scripting - Shots 10-26

[CHARLOTTE is slowly reading a newspaper, and though we cannot hear her speaking we know from her expression that she is concerned. She mumbles something “One Year Ago” and looks off out the window. The camera pans and shows the other group members; MARK, who is sat next to CHARLOTTE driving and SARAH and LEWIS in the back holding hands whilst giggling under their breathes. The camera cuts to a medium shot of the car driving then quickly cuts to a low angle medium shot of the trees and bushes above. It then cuts to a medium shot of SARAH looking over at LEWIS, smiling. There is a slight slow motion to this shot as if to emphases the happiness of the situation. It then cuts to a medium two shot of the couple holding hands and then cuts to a close up of the hands. It quickly cuts to a close up of MARKS driving; his expression is slightly confused, similar to that of CHARLOTTE. 

Then Cuts to a Title Sequence.

There is a high angle long shot of the village and car in front of the camera. It then cuts to a medium shot of the car parking. CHARLOTTE is the first to emerge from the car. There is a medium close up on her face, and the camera pans as she looks around.]


CHARLOTTE [Point of view shot of the park square]: It’s definitely quiet…


[Close up on the swing as it moves back and forth]


MARK [Over the shoulder shot of CHARLOTTE looking off at the park, whilst MARK focuses on something in the distance, again MARK looks confused.]: You’re telling me…


SARAH [Cuts to a medium shot of her holding hands with LEWIS. Camera pans as she moves with LEWIS, bags in hand.] : I think it looks cute. [It then cuts to a wide shot of the group moving towards the B&B through the park] I’m sure we’ll have fun, besides you never know what’ll happen, you might enjoy yourselves.


[Close up of B&B sign, and then cut to Title Sequence. It then cuts to a medium shot of Lewis and Sarah in the bedroom of the B&B, the two are holding hands looking out the window. Cuts to an over the shoulder high angle shot looking at Sarah smiling out the window.]

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