Thursday 31 October 2013

Potential Target Audience

As a group, we have imagined a certain target audience for our film trailer. The successful connection between a film and its audience partly requires relation, whereby the audience can relate to films properties, and not just its characters. Firstly, in terms of Gender we believe it would appeal to both male and females equally as the story mainly involves both genders in both of the main types of roles; the antagonist and protagonist. 
The same principal applies to age as the ages represented range from 18-25, so with this in mind, we would expect the target audience to largely be, if not completely, in this age bracket. Along with the representation, personally I believe that this age range find Horror and Thrillers more appealing than any older age, whilst the violence portrayed throughout the plot would suggest that its not suitable for any age under 18 in accordance with the BBFC guidelines.
Next, the expected class for the target audience ranges from lower class to upper-middle class, again partly down to the characters represented, but also the content of the film trailer and the settings, which we believe would be best relatable with these classes. It must be noted however that this is a general assumption for the time being and does not suggest that their would be no interest from any other classes.
The interests of the target audience would depend entirely on where they apply in the first three sections of target audience, but if it was assumed on age, then one main interest could be film watching along with outgoing activities. If we assume this is true, then this works well with our film trailer as it is firstly a horror/thriller film which is stereotypically a favourable genre with the 18-25 age bracket, whilst it involves the road trip of youths and their reactions to an unexpected threat whilst being isolated.
It is now up to our group to devise questionnaires to determine our official target audience.

Example of Scripting - Shots 10-26

[CHARLOTTE is slowly reading a newspaper, and though we cannot hear her speaking we know from her expression that she is concerned. She mumbles something “One Year Ago” and looks off out the window. The camera pans and shows the other group members; MARK, who is sat next to CHARLOTTE driving and SARAH and LEWIS in the back holding hands whilst giggling under their breathes. The camera cuts to a medium shot of the car driving then quickly cuts to a low angle medium shot of the trees and bushes above. It then cuts to a medium shot of SARAH looking over at LEWIS, smiling. There is a slight slow motion to this shot as if to emphases the happiness of the situation. It then cuts to a medium two shot of the couple holding hands and then cuts to a close up of the hands. It quickly cuts to a close up of MARKS driving; his expression is slightly confused, similar to that of CHARLOTTE. 

Then Cuts to a Title Sequence.

There is a high angle long shot of the village and car in front of the camera. It then cuts to a medium shot of the car parking. CHARLOTTE is the first to emerge from the car. There is a medium close up on her face, and the camera pans as she looks around.]


CHARLOTTE [Point of view shot of the park square]: It’s definitely quiet…


[Close up on the swing as it moves back and forth]


MARK [Over the shoulder shot of CHARLOTTE looking off at the park, whilst MARK focuses on something in the distance, again MARK looks confused.]: You’re telling me…


SARAH [Cuts to a medium shot of her holding hands with LEWIS. Camera pans as she moves with LEWIS, bags in hand.] : I think it looks cute. [It then cuts to a wide shot of the group moving towards the B&B through the park] I’m sure we’ll have fun, besides you never know what’ll happen, you might enjoy yourselves.


[Close up of B&B sign, and then cut to Title Sequence. It then cuts to a medium shot of Lewis and Sarah in the bedroom of the B&B, the two are holding hands looking out the window. Cuts to an over the shoulder high angle shot looking at Sarah smiling out the window.]


These are the proposed storyboards for our trailer. We have approximately 54 shots that are to be filmed and used in the trailer, not including intertitles and credits. As expected, these are the visual shots for every moment in the trailer plot which we feel express enough of the story whilst still maintaining interest and intrigue for the target audience appeal.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Trailer Prop List

For our trailer we have created a range of 70 shots through the use of storyboards, which we are now using to create our animatic and eventually would aid us in creating our trailer. For the trailer we have had to use a number of different props, to help create a sense of authenticity and refer to the genre of the film to better establish it. The list of these props are:


Fake Blood

Blue Scrubs

Straight Jacket

Smart/ Casual Clothing for Actors

Old Boots/ Shoes

Makeup Palettes

An Axe



Face Mask

Syringes/ bottles of liquids


A Newspaper


Fake Teeth/ Teeth Staining Kit

As well as this the locations of the shots are key to the scenes, as the make-up of the rooms helps to establish the genre and creates story and character development. For the rooms to be effective we will need to recreate a B&B and a cellar.  

Sunday 6 October 2013

Trailer Plot

Montage of shots of the asylum and big close ups of some of the patients open the trailer, divided by the company logos. Tension in the soundtrack builds as a lit match falls to the floor, suddenly fire and running is heard.

Tension settles as we are introduced to the group with the first shot of the newspaper article of the fire at the asylum, and brief dialogue between the group on their car journey to the nearby village, whereby the audience discover this is set one year later.

(Title sequence)

They arrive at the village, but it becomes apparent that it is mostly deserted. They check in to a Bed and Breakfast and decide to explore the town.

(Title sequence)

Cut to Charlotte looking at the local newspaper which matches the date after the fire

Cut to the group looking for Sarah, Lewis breaks off from them and searches for her, jump cut to their room in the B&B where he sees her looking out the window and goes behind her to hug her, she turns to reveal her newly scarred face and a menacing smile and cut to black.

Mark finds an open door in the house leading to a basement, where he sees an imaginary figure of himself in a straitjacket and looking unwell, who informs him that the village is a "lie" and that he should leave as he and his friends are in danger.

Lewis awakes, with pen marker on his face, strapped to a table and looks either side to see people in the same restraints. He screams for help.

(Title sequence)

Montage of shots, again divided by title sequences, showing the danger scenes throughout the plot including the cornfield running, the interlocked weapons with Mark and Lewis and very briefly and dimly, a shot of Lily with little facial tissue.

(Film Title)
(Date of release)

Film Trailer Group Pitch


Tuesday 1 October 2013

Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple personality disorder is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behaviour, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
An example of a horror/ thriller where the main protagonist or antagonist has multiple personality disorder is The Ward. The main character, Kristin, experiences attacks from a monstrous almost zombie like ghost, which kills off most of the other characters, however it is later revealed that the ghost and the other girls aren’t real. In order to survive her past torture, she had created different personalities, including Kristin. In fact we also find out that her real name is Alice, the girl who we are led to believe is the ghost. Alice's own personality became so overwhelmed by that of the others that she became lost. Through experimental techniques, Dr. Stringer had the zombie "Alice" killing the other personalities one by one until only her original personality remained.
For our movie trailer, I want to portray someone who has multiple personality disorder, but doesn’t realise this, so instead of being crazy he just sees glimpses of his other personalities who try to warn him, but he doesn’t know that.