Sunday 29 September 2013

Character Summary

There are 8 main characters in the plot, but in the trailer we only require 6 actors to perform the roles. 

Some are various, as due to the plot, the characters and their grotesque "habits",  a few characters whilst visually being portrayed by someone, their character's personality must be portrayed like their original actor. This sounds complex and difficult, however the trailer does not need the actors to perform this in depth, but merely hint at it.

In the group of friends, there is:

Mark - 18 years old, the latest member of the group. An orphan who has had treatment from rehabilitation in the past for hallucinatory issues and drug abuse, he is usually quiet and reserved but still friendly

Lewis - 19, well-spoken, "young gentleman" of the group. He is in a relationship with Sarah

Sarah - 18, seen as the "dozey blonde". Very calm usually but is easily excitable, as demonstrated from the prospect of going on a small trip away with her friends

Charlotte - 18,  the intelligent and investigative one. She suggests the trip in the first place in order to fully understand the events a year ago. She and Sarah share a trait of curiosity

The escapees who take over the town consist of:

Lily - 29, The one who starts the fire to burn down the asylum and flees along with her closest "associates". She devises the plan to surgically remove peoples faces and use them to replace their own in their attempt at a "new identity". She takes the guise of Charlotte at the end of the film

Steven - 25, The other known escapee. He initially takes the guise of a police officer before eventually taking Lewis'

Unnamed Woman - Perhaps the most insane, she becomes Sarah early but is later forgotten about. She is last seen starting Mark's car after the events of the film.

The Mad Man - The former personality of Mark, he escaped along with the other three, but when he saw what they did to the locals, he went insane, to the point where he ran away and changed his identity completely to forget about it. When Mark returns to the village, his memories slowly come back

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