Monday 28 April 2014

Defaced Magazine Cover - Final Draft

This is the final outcome of my magazine cover and I am pleased with it. I have firstly adjusted text colours to match the image colours of 'Charlotte' that I proposed to use. One key adjustment I made in particular was making the highest coverlines white, so that they stand out more than if they were red, which can then lead the readers eye to read the rest of the coverlines.

Next, I have enlarged and changed the colour of the main coverline of the film, to again increase its presence, and have also outlined all text in the bottom half of the page white, so that it doesn't blend in so easily with the background. I have maintained a colour palette of red, white and black for the magazine, similarly to the AS task and real media texts.

The main image was used because it represents 'Charlotte' on the floor, in a position of fear, with a close-up on her face, as firstly this is conventional on magazine covers, but also as it relates to the main coverline directly, whilst not revealing too much about the plot or character, maintaining a sense of enigma. The dead leaves on the floor are also integral, as they subtly suggest death, due to their state, as well as the season when the plot is set, and also when it will be released.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Defaced Magazine Cover - Draft 2

In this second draft, I have firstly added more coverlines. The intentions being obviously to add more interest to the page, as well as to keep to immediate conventions of magazine front covers. I've secondly added a banner at the bottom to attempt to provoke further interest for other potential readers who might not have been attracted to the rest of the page, or ones who have. It is coloured differently, to separate it from the rest of the cover, to ensure it stands out. Finally, the main addition to the page is the coloured, gradient background, whereby I plan to add an image of one of the main characters, Charlotte, to represent the film on the front. This is because she is an integral protagonist, who is the most innocent of all the characters featured in the plot.